Instagram Engagement Rate Calculator

Receive a detailed Instagram influencer report using our Instagram Engagement Rate Calculator to analyze the engagement rate, audience demographics, and more. Our report offers insights into how well your content performs by examining key instagram engagement metrics such as likes, comments, shares, and saves.

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What is the impact of Engagement rate on ROI -
Our Research Report

If you are looking at engagement rate you probably read that it is an important metric to analyse when working with influencers. But what is the impact on ROI really and does it even correlate with conversions? This is a question we long asked our selves which is why we conducted the biggest research on this topic to date. By analysing 10,325 commercial influencer posts our data scientists computed the correlation of various data points (including engagements and engagement rate) with conversion in order to provide you with a data backed answer to your question. Before we share the results lets first clarify what engagement rate is and how to calculate it. If you already know this skip this section and scroll down to access the research results.

How to calculate influencer
engagement rate

To calculate the engagement rate for an influencer, sum up the total interactions (including likes, comments, etc.) from all posts on their profile, divide this by the number of posts to compute the average number of engagements per post and divide this number by the total number of followers. In the last step multiply the output by 100. This calculation method helps you to quantify the total engagement an influencer has generated across their profile. At Influencer Hero, we employ the latest 30 posts made by an influencer to assess their engagement rate.

Correlation: Engagement rate & ROI

In order to visualise the insights better we categorised the influencers into the following three segments:

  • HP (High Performers): Influencers with >10 conversions / post
  • MP (Medium Performers): Influencers with 3 - 9 conversions / post
  • GP (General / Low Performers): Influencers with <3 conversions / post

The chart on the right visualises the median engagement rate for high, medium and low performing influences, showing a strong correlation to conversions and hence ROI. Based on this research we recommend to always analyse this metric before allocating budgets in order to optimise your influencer campaign for ROI.

Correlation: Engagements & ROI

Another metric we looked at in our research is engagements in absolute numbers. What is important to note here is to use this metric with a pinch of salt as it doesn't take the audience size into account when comparing influencers. This is why an influencer with a larger following has in most cases a higher number of engagements which raises the question if audience size (spoiler: which has a correlation with conversion, more on this in the next section) is the leading variable in this case or engagements. Nevertheless, it can be an important metric to look at as the chart on the left shows a significant difference across high, medium and low performing influencers and engagements.

What is a good Instagram influencer engagement rate?

To avoid comparing apples with oranges we have created a benchmark overview for you. Based on the data of 150M+ Instagram influencers we computed this overview so you can benchmark the influencers you want to work with.

Nano Small:
1K - 5K
Nano Medium:
5K - 10K
Micro Small:
10K - 50K
Micro Medium:
50K - 100K
100K - 500K
500K - 1M
Above Average
4.39 - 7.89%
1.64 - 3.59%
1.08 - 2.59%
1.02 - -2.43%
1.09 - 2.59%
1.15 - 1.45%
1.31 - 2.5%
3.29 - 4.39%
1.27 - 1.64%
0.79 - 1.08%
0.69 - 1.02%
0.86 - 1.09%
0.85 - 1.15%
1.09 - 1.31%
Below Average
1.68 - 3.29%
0.64 - 1.27%
0.42 - 0.79%
0.29 - 0,69%
0.39 - 0.86%
0.43 - 0.85%
0.61 - 1.09%
< 0.61%
Influencer Hero Academy

Median Engagement Rate on Instagram

The median engagement rate across all influencer accounts is 1.47% ( calculated based on our own database, last updated Jan. 2024). When analysing metrics like engagement rate it is always important to look at the context and comparing the metric to others to fully understand the impact. To provide more data backed answers our data scientists analysed over 10,000 commercial influencer posts to compute the correlation between various metrics and ROI.

Which Other Metrics To analyse for ROI?

Audience Growth

One of the most significant findings from the research we conducted is the impact of audience growth on conversions. From the chart on the left it is visible that HP: high performing influencers (>10 conversions per sponsored social media post) had a significantly higher (>3X) growth in followers / audience compared to MP: medium performing influencers ( 3 - 10 conversions per sponsored social media post). While low performing influencers ( 0 - 2 conversions per sponsored social media post), even experienced a decline in their audience. This also makes sense as social media platforms in this case Meta reward high quality content while inactive or low quality content will lead to a decline or lower growth in followers, making audience growth an important metric to analyse when allocating budgets.

Audience size / Number of followers

One metric which is probably the most intuitive one is audience size. This is also important for the ongoing debate if micro and nano influencers are more effective than macro and mega influencers. The research we conducted where we analysed over 10,000 commercial influencer posts revealed that influencers with follower country exceeding the 75th percentile (over 96,731 followers) yielded better results. This is clearly visible in the chart on the left showing that the median follower size of high performing influencers is above 100K. Note: this doesn't directly answer the question on whether you should work with macro of micro influencers. As larger influencers are in most cases more expensive to work with the impact on ROI will depend on the cost of working with these influencers.

Fake Followers

According to recent estimates, Instagram has about 95 million bot accounts, which represents roughly 10% of all accounts on the platform. The last thing you want is to pay an influencer a lot of money just to reach fake followers. Our research shows that high performing influencers (>10 conversions per post) indeed have a lower % of fake followers. What is important to understand is that a certain % of bot following is inevitable especially with larger accounts. If the number of bots following is high however this can be a red flag. The result of our research shows that Influencers whose audience credibility was above the median score of 73.17% saw enhanced conversion rates. You can use our free influencer fake follower check to analyse this metric.

Verified Accounts

The last variable we analysed is the blue verified checkmark which Meta provides to official accounts. As you can see from the chart on the right 61.1% of HP: high performing influencers had a verified account, followed by 34.4% for MP: medium performing influencers and 26.7% for GP: General / Low performing influencers. Important: correlation doesn't imply causation. For example larger accounts tend to be verified more frequently, the underlying metric which leads to higher conversions could be size or another metric. Nevertheless, it could be a valuable metric to look at when allocating budgets for your influencer campaign.

How does Influencer Hero use this data to improve results?

What is an Influencer engagement rate?

The importance of engagement rate for marketeers

Factors which impact the engagement rate

When calculating and analyzing engagement rate, it's crucial to take into account a comprehensive set of elements to ensure an accurate measure of an influencer's interaction level with their audience.

    A fundamental measure of content approval and enjoyment.
    Provide a deeper insight into how the audience feels about the content, indicating a higher level of engagement.
    The ability for content to be redistributed by followers, signal that the content is valued
  • 4. Saves
    Especially on platforms like Instagram, the number of times a post is saved is a strong indicator of the content's value
  • 5. Followers/Following Ratio
    While not a direct engagement metric, examining the ratio of followers to following can provide context about the influencer’s reach and influence.
    For video content, including Instagram stories, reels, YouTube videos, etc., the number of views is crucial for understanding engagement.
  • 7. Click-through Rates (CTR)
    On platforms where clickable links can be shared (e.g., Instagram stories, YouTube descriptions), CTR can indicate how compelling and effective the call-to-action is.
  • 8. Engagement growth over time
    Tracking how engagement rates change over time can reveal trends, content fatigue, or increased resonance with the audience.

What can an Instagram influencer do to increase their engagement rate?

Instagram influencers aiming to boost their engagement rate can employ a number of tactics to stimulate more active involvement and interest from their audience. Here are effective strategies influencers can leverage:

  • Post High-Quality Images and Videos: Content quality matters greatly on Instagram, so ensure that your photos and videos are visually appealing and high-resolution to capture attention.
  • Engage With Followers: Actively respond to comments and direct messages to create a sense of community and show your audience that their engagement is valued.
  • Use Engaging Captions: Craft captions that invite conversation, ask questions, or encourage followers to tag their friends, fostering engagement directly from your post's text.
  • Incorporate Relevant Hashtags: Use hashtags strategically to reach a broader audience, making your posts more discoverable and encouraging engagement from new followers.
  • Post Consistently: Keeping a regular posting schedule can help maintain audience interest and anticipation for your content, which can enhance engagement.
  • Utilize Instagram Stories: Stories offer a dynamic way to engage with your audience through polls, questions, and interactive stickers, keeping your followers actively involved.
  • Share Behind-The-Scenes Content: Giving your audience a glimpse into your life or the work that goes into creating your content can humanize your brand and increase engagement.
  • Host Giveaways and Contests: Encourage followers to engage with your content through likes, comments, and shares for a chance to win something, boosting overall engagement.
  • Collaborate with Other Influencers: Engage in shoutouts or collaborations with peers to tap into new audiences and invite fresh engagement.
  • Leverage Instagram Live: Use the live feature to interact in real-time with your audience, answering questions and discussing topics of interest, which can significantly boost engagement.
  • Optimize Posting Times: Post when your audience is most active to ensure maximum visibility and engagement with your content.

The Cost of Hiring Instagram Influencers

Influencer Cost Table
Type of Influencer Cost
Nano: 1K-10K $10-100
Micro: 10K-100K $100-$1,000
Macro: 100K-500K $500-$5,000
Mega: 500K-1M $2,000-$10,000
Celebrity: 1M+ $10,000+

How Does Engagement Rate Affect Influencer Pricing?

What Are The Best Engagement Rate Calculators for Free?

How to use the engagement rate calculator to find influencers for your brand

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FAQ & Competitor Comparison

What is influencer engagement rate?

The engagement rate of an influencer is a measure indicating the frequency at which a creator's audience engages with their posts. A higher rate of engagement is sought after, as it demonstrates the creator's followers have a keen interest in their content.

How do you calculate engagement rate?

The engagement rate is determined through the following equation:
Engagement Rate (%) = (Sum of Engagements / Total Followers) * 100.
This formula can be utilized for individual posts or to calculate a cumulative average for an entire profile.

What is a high engagement rate?

Benchmarks for engagement rates are influenced by multiple elements, with key factors being the platform used, the size of the follower base, and the specific market niche. Generally,- An engagement rate between 0.73% and 2.5% is viewed as average,
- A rate from 2.5% to 4.4% is seen as above average,
- Rates of 4.4% or higher are deemed outstanding.It's advisable to measure an influencer's engagement rates against those of peers with a similar following size and audience composition, rather than relying on broad standards.

How is the role of engagement rate pivotal in assessing the success of influencer marketing strategies?

The engagement rate serves as a critical barometer in influencer marketing, quantifying how actively an influencer's audience interacts with their content. This metric goes beyond mere follower numbers, offering insights into how compelling the audience finds the influencer's content and, by extension, how influential they truly are. A robust engagement rate signifies that the audience is not only vast but also engaged and potentially more receptive to marketing messages. Thus, for brands and marketers aiming to leverage influencer partnerships for promotional efforts, prioritizing influencers with high engagement rates ensures that their campaigns resonate more deeply with a committed and interested audience. This strategic focus enhances campaign visibility, fosters trust, and ultimately drives higher conversion rates, making the engagement rate a linchpin in maximizing the return on investment in influencer marketing endeavors.

What are the main factors that determine the level of engagement an influencer receives on their content?

Several key elements play a crucial role in shaping an influencer's engagement rate, affecting how audiences interact with their posts. First and foremost, content relevance and quality stand as paramount factors; content that resonates with the influencer's audience or provides value tends to garner more likes, comments, and shares. The frequency and timing of posts also significantly impact engagement rates, as consistent posting at optimal times when the audience is most active can boost interaction. Additionally, the authenticity of the influencer, including their ability to foster a genuine connection with their followers, encourages more meaningful engagement. The influencer's niche or industry plays a role as well, with certain sectors naturally fostering more active online communities. Lastly, the use of effective hashtags and engaging captions can attract a broader audience and encourage more interaction. Understanding these factors is essential for influencers aiming to boost their engagement rates and for brands seeking to collaborate with influencers who can genuinely connect with their target demographic.