Youtube Engagement
Rate Calculator

Receive a full Youtube influencer report to analyse the Youtube engagement rate, audience demographics and more. Our Youtube engagement rate calculator also offers insights into how well the content connects with viewers, breaking down key Youtube engagement indicators such as likes, comments, shares, and views.

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Does engagement rate correlate with conversion?

The median engagement rate across all Youtube influencer accounts is 0.54% ( calculated based on our own database, last updated Jan. 2024). To understand the effectiveness of Youtube influencers you can access a case study with 150+ commercial Youtube video's below.

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How to calculate engagement rate for Youtube Influencers

Start by aggregating all forms of engagement, including likes, dislikes, comments, and shares, for the chosen video or set of videos. This total engagement figure is then used in conjunction with either the total views or the total number of subscribers, depending on the preferred method. When these figures are divided (total engagement by total views or subscribers) and then multiplied by 100, the result is the engagement rate, expressed as a percentage.

What is a good YouTube influencer engagement rate?

To avoid comparing apples with oranges we have created a benchmark overview for you. Based on the data of 150M+ influencers we computed this overview so you can benchmark the influencers you want to work with.

Nano Small:
1K - 5K
Nano Medium:
5K - 10K
Micro Small:
10K - 50K
Micro Medium:
50K - 100K
100K - 500K
500K - 1M
> 6.52%
> 2.73%
> 1.81%
> 1.11%
> 0.95%
> 0.81%
> 0.61%
Above Average
2.11 - 6.52%
0.79 - 2.73%
0.49 - 1.81%
0.29 -1.11%
0.29 - 0.95%
0.19 - 0.81%
0.21 - 0.61%
1.24 - 2.11%
0.56 - 0.79%
0.29 - 0.49%
0.19 - 0.29%
0.14 - 0.29%
0.14 - 0.19%
0.15 - 021%
Below Average
0.31 - 1.24%
0.13 - 0.56%
0.08 - 0.29%
0.04 - 0.19%
0.04 - 0.14%
0.03 - 0.14%
0.02 - 0.15%
< 0.02%

What is an Youtube Influencer engagement rate?

The importance of Youtube engagement rates for Influencer marketeers

The Cost of Hiring YouTube Influencers

Influencer Cost Table
Type of Influencer Cost
Nano: 1K-10K $30-200
Micro: 10K-100K $200-$5,000
Macro: 100K-500K $5,000-$10,000
Mega: 500K-1M $10,000-$50,000
Celebrity: 1M+ $50K+

How Does Engagement Rate Affect Influencer Pricing?

What Are The Best YouTube Engagement Rate Calculators for Free?

Factors which impact the engagement rate for Youtube influencers

Understanding the factors that impact the engagement rate of YouTube influencers is crucial for influencer marketers to optimize campaigns and collaborations effectively. Here are the key elements to consider:

  • Likes: The number of likes a video receives directly contributes to its overall engagement score, reflecting viewer approval.
  • Comments: Viewer comments are a critical form of engagement, indicating that the audience is not just consuming content passively but actively participating in discussions.
  • Shares: When viewers share videos, it not only increases the video’s reach but also boosts its engagement rate, indicating strong viewer endorsement.
  • Watch Time: The amount of time viewers spend watching a video affects engagement rates, as longer watch times signal content that holds viewer interest effectively.
  • Subscriber Growth: The increase in subscribers following the posting of a video can be attributed to the content’s appeal, directly impacting engagement calculations.
  • Click-through Rate (CTR): The rate at which viewers click on a video after seeing the thumbnail and title affects engagement by measuring how enticing the content appears at first glance.
  • Dislikes: Although seen negatively, dislikes are also a form of engagement, showing that the content provoked a reaction, contributing to the overall engagement metric.

What can an Youtube influencer do to increase their engagement rate?

YouTube influencers looking to increase their engagement rate can adopt several strategies to foster greater viewer interaction and interest in their content. Here are key actions influencers can take:

  • Produce High-Quality Content: Ensure videos are well-produced, with clear audio and visual elements, to hold viewers’ attention and encourage engagement.
  • Create Engaging Thumbnails and Titles: Design eye-catching thumbnails and write compelling titles that make viewers want to click on the video.
  • Encourage Viewer Interaction: Actively engage with your audience by inviting them to leave comments, like the video, share their thoughts, and subscribe to the channel throughout the video and in the video description.
  • Respond to Comments: Build a community by responding to viewer comments, showing your audience that you value their input and engagement.
  • Collaborate with Other Creators: Team up with other YouTube influencers to cross-promote content, introducing your channel to new audiences and stimulating engagement.
  • Host Giveaways and Contests: Organize giveaways and contests to encourage viewers to engage with your content, such as by liking, commenting, or sharing to enter.
  • Share Behind-The-Scenes Content: Offering a glimpse into your workflow or personal life can humanize your channel, making your content more relatable and engaging.
  • Utilize Calls-to-Action (CTAs): Directly ask your viewers to engage with your content by liking, commenting, and sharing your videos.
  • Post Consistently: Maintain a regular posting schedule to keep your audience engaged and looking forward to your next upload.
  • Leverage Trends and Keywords: Stay current with trending topics and incorporate relevant keywords in your video titles, descriptions, and tags to attract new viewers and boost engagement.

How to use the Youtube engagement rate calculator to find influencers for your brand

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How To Analyse Influencers With Influencer Hero

With Influencer Hero you can access the most sophisticated influencer search & discovery tool on the market. Analysing influencer profiles in detail. Besides fake followers, you can access detailed data on engagement rate, audience demographics and use look a likes to quickly find relevant influencers you can partner with.

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FAQ & Competitor Comparison

What is Youtube influencer engagement rate?

The engagement rate of an Youtube influencer is a measure indicating the frequency at which a Youtube influencers audience engages with their posts. A higher rate of engagement is sought after, as it demonstrates the creator's subscribers have a keen interest in their content.

How do you calculate engagement rate for Youtube influencers?

The engagement rate for Youtube influencers is determined through the following equation:
Engagement Rate (%) = (Sum of Engagements / Total Views) * 100.
This formula can be utilized for individual posts or to calculate a cumulative average for an entire profile.

How is the role of Youtube engagement rate pivotal in assessing the success of influencer marketing strategies?

The engagement rate for Youtube influencers serves as a critical barometer in influencer marketing, quantifying how actively an influencer's audience interacts with their content. This metric goes beyond mere subscriber numbers, offering insights into how compelling the audience finds the influencer's content and, by extension, how influential they truly are. A robust engagement rate signifies that the audience is not only vast but also engaged and potentially more receptive to marketing messages. Thus, for brands and marketers aiming to leverage influencer partnerships for promotional efforts, prioritizing influencers with high engagement rates ensures that their campaigns resonate more deeply with a committed and interested audience. This strategic focus enhances campaign visibility, fosters trust, and ultimately drives higher conversion rates, making the engagement rate a linchpin in maximizing the return on investment in influencer marketing endeavors.

What are the main factors that determine the level of engagement an Youtube influencer receives on their content?

Several key elements play a crucial role in shaping an influencer's engagement rate, affecting how audiences interact with their posts. First and foremost, content relevance and quality stand as paramount factors; content that resonates with the influencer's audience or provides value tends to garner more likes, comments, and shares. The frequency and timing of posts also significantly impact engagement rates, as consistent posting at optimal times when the audience is most active can boost interaction. Additionally, the authenticity of the influencer, including their ability to foster a genuine connection with their subscribers, encourages more meaningful engagement. The influencer's niche or industry plays a role as well, with certain sectors naturally fostering more active online communities. Lastly, the use of effective hashtags and engaging captions can attract a broader audience and encourage more interaction. Understanding these factors is essential for influencers aiming to boost their engagement rates and for brands seeking to collaborate with influencers who can genuinely connect with their target demographic.