Free Influencer Audit
Chrome Extension

Analyse influencers while browsing the web. Access fake followers, audience location, gender split, engagement rate, estimated sales & EMV with one click using our chrome plugin.

Audience location

Make sure that you are reaching the right audience by analysing audience demographics. Over are the days of guessing if your next collaboration will be successful. Simply install our free chrome extension and get started

audience Demographics

Using our free influencer audit plugin you will be able to analyse the exact gender split of an influencers audience. Besides gender split you can also access the age distribution ensuring that you reach exactly the people in your target target audience.

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Fake Followers

Concerned about fake followers? We have your back! Simply analyse the exact percentage of fake follower using our free influencer audit chrome extension and only work with credible influencers.

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Forecast sales & EMV

Are you curious how much the influencer could sell? Our free influencer audit chrome extension will predict this for you. Access forecasted Sales as well as predicted earned media value.

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Follower Growth

Did you know that follower growth is the number 1 metric when it comes to conversion performance? Our data scientists analysed over 10K commercial influencer posts and audience growth had the strongest correlation to conversion so make sure to analyse this metric for your next influencer collaboration.

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Why you should use Influencer Hero's Chrome Plugin

Below are some of the top reasons every marketer should use Influencer Hero's Chrome Extension.

Convenience & Direct Access

Our Influencer Hero Chrome Extension provides unparalleled convenience by allowing you to directly access essential influencer data while browsing the web. This seamless integration means you can instantly view engagement metrics, audience demographics, and performance analytics without leaving the current page, streamlining your workflow and enhancing productivity.

Detailed Influencer Data

With our Chrome Extension, you gain access to comprehensive influencer and audience data that goes in-depth, including location, gender, age, and demographics. Additionally, our extension forecasts EMV (Earned Media Value), ensuring you have all the critical insights needed to make informed decisions and maximize your marketing efforts.

Ai Generated Personalized Sentence

Our Influencer Chrome Extension features an AI-powered tool that generates personalized sentences for you to directly use when reaching out to influencers. The Ai looks at the last 3 posts on social media to formulate the personalized sentence. This functionality ensures your communication is tailored and engaging, increasing the likelihood of a positive response and fostering stronger relationships with influencers.

Save time

Our Influencer Chrome Extension is designed to save you valuable time by streamlining your influencer research process. With instant access to detailed influencer data and AI-generated personalized sentences, you can quickly gather insights and craft effective messages without spending hours on manual tasks, allowing you to focus on strategic decision-making and campaign optimization.

FAQ & Competitor Comparison

What is an influencer audit browser extension?

An influencer audit browser extension is a tool that integrates with your web browser to help analyze and evaluate the legitimacy, engagement, and overall influence of social media influencers. These extensions can provide insights into an influencer's audience demographics, engagement rates, potential fake followers, and other metrics crucial for marketers or brands considering partnerships.

How do influencer audit browser extensions work?

These browser extensions typically work by using APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) to fetch data from social media platforms about an influencer's followers, posts, and engagement stats. The extension then analyzes this data using algorithms to assess the influencer's performance metrics, such as engagement rate, audience authenticity, and potential reach.

Are influencer audit browser extensions free to use?

While some influencer audit browser extensions like the one of Influencer Hero or Upfluence offer basic functionalities for free, more comprehensive features may require a subscription or a one-time purchase. The cost can vary based on the depth of analysis, the range of metrics provided, and any additional features such as competitor comparison or historical data analysis.

How can I trust the results from an influencer audit browser extension?

The accuracy of an influencer audit browser extension largely depends on the source of its data and the sophistication of its analysis algorithms. Look for extensions that transparently describe their methodology, use reliable data sources, and have positive reviews from users or reputable sources. It’s also wise to compare results from different extensions or verify key metrics directly when possible.

What are the best influencer audit browser extensions available?

The best Influencer Audit Browser Extensions available include Influencer Hero, Upfluence and Grin. From the amount of data provided Influencer Hero offers the most comprehensive audit out of these 3 options. Generally, look for extensions with high user ratings, positive reviews on tech blogs or digital marketing forums, and features that match your specific needs. Some popular browser extensions might be developed by reputable companies in the digital marketing or social analytics space.

What exactly is an influencer marketing platform?

An influencer marketing platform is a digital tool or software that facilitates collaboration between brands and influencers. It streamlines the process of finding, connecting with, and managing influencers for marketing campaigns. These platforms typically offer features such as influencer discovery, campaign management, and performance analytics.

Why are influencer marketing platforms important for brands?

Influencer marketing platforms are important for brands because they provide access to a vast network of influencers, enabling targeted audience reach and engagement. These platforms streamline campaign management processes, offer valuable data insights for optimization, and help brands scale their influencer marketing efforts effectively.

What are some key benefits of using influencer marketing platforms?

Using influencer marketing platforms offers several benefits, including streamlined campaign management, access to comprehensive analytics for data-driven decision-making, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. These platforms also facilitate efficient communication and collaboration between brands and influencers, ultimately driving better campaign results.

What challenges should brands consider when using influencer marketing platforms?

While influencer marketing platforms offer numerous advantages, brands should be aware of challenges such as maintaining transparency and authenticity, finding the right influencers for their brand, balancing creative freedom with brand guidelines, and effectively measuring ROI. Addressing these challenges through careful planning and strategy can help maximize the success of influencer marketing campaigns.

How do influencer marketing platforms help in reaching a targeted audience?

Influencer marketing platforms allow brands to search for and collaborate with influencers who have audiences that align with their target demographics and interests. By leveraging these platforms, brands can ensure that their marketing messages reach the right audience segments, leading to increased engagement and conversions.

How Influencer Search helps Brands

Influencer search tools are pivotal for brands looking to optimize their digital marketing strategies. They help brands identify and connect with influencers whose audiences align with their target market, ensuring that marketing efforts reach the most receptive viewers. These tools offer deep insights into influencers' demographics, interests, engagement rates, and more, enabling brands to make informed decisions and tailor their campaigns for maximum impact. By utilizing influencer search tools, brands can save time and resources in scouting potential partnerships, streamline their outreach, and measure the effectiveness of their campaigns. Ultimately, these tools empower brands to enhance their visibility, credibility, and overall performance in the digital space by leveraging the influential power of key individuals.

What are the unique features of influencer hero search

With the Influencer Hero Influencer finder tool you can use detailed filters to find exactly the influencers you want to partner with. You can access the following influencer filters: locations & languages, follower range, engagement rate, bio keywords & hashtags and growth rate. For audiences you can filter based on: locations (city, state, country), demographics (age, gender), fake followers, languages, interests. To find influencers in a certain content category you can use lookalikes to quickly find relevant influencers. In short the Influencer Hero Influencer finder tool makes it easy for brands to quickly find relevant influencers and increase ROI. Besides the search Influencer Hero offers all the tools needed to manage your influencer program end to end. Starting from automated outreach using drip campaigns, a CRM to manage campaigns, affiliate marketing, UGC collection to reporting and analytics.

Does Influencer Hero's search engine help find influencers on all social media channels?

Influencer Hero's search engine stands out as a versatile tool for brands looking to find influencers across various social media channels. While it boasts detailed search capabilities for Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, allowing precise filtering by demographics, interests, and engagement metrics, its functionality doesn't end there. Influencer Hero also includes a unique filter for platforms like Facebook, Twitch, and Pinterest. This feature enables brands to identify influencers who maintain a presence on these additional platforms, thus broadening the scope of potential collaborations. Although the in-depth filters are primarily concentrated on the top three platforms mentioned, the added filter offers an invaluable asset for brands aiming to connect with influencers who have a multifaceted social media presence, enhancing cross-platform marketing strategies.

Instagram influencer finder

Influencer Hero's Instagram Influencer Finder boasts advanced search capabilities, enabling precise influencer discovery through detailed filters—including location, engagement, demographics, and content themes. This specificity ensures brands can accurately target and connect with influencers aligned to their marketing goals.

TikTok influencer finder

Influencer Hero's TikTok Influencer Finder features specialized search capabilities for pinpointing ideal influencers, utilizing filters for engagement, follower demographics, and niche content areas. This targeted approach helps brands effectively locate TikTok influencers that match their campaign objectives with precision.

Youtube influencer finder

Influencer Hero's YouTube Influencer Finder offers tailored search functionalities, allowing brands to find ideal partners through filters on viewership, engagement, content type, and audience demographics, streamlining the process of matching with YouTube influencers that resonate with their marketing aims.

What are the different filter capabilities of Influencer Hero influencer finder?

Influencer Filters

  • Locations & languages
  • Follower range
  • Engagement rate
  • Bio keywords & hashtags
  • Growth rate

Audience Filters

  • Locations (city/country)
  • Demographics (age/gender)
  • Fake followers
  • Languages
  • Interests


In conclusion, Influencer Hero emerges as a comprehensive and dynamic influencer marketing tool, adept at bridging the gap between brands and the perfect influencer partners. Its finely tuned search capabilities, particularly in sifting through influencers based on specific locations and languages, equip marketers with the precision required for targeted campaigns. Moreover, the platform's versatility across major social media channels ensures that regardless of where a brand's audience resides—be it Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube—Influencer Hero can facilitate meaningful connections, markedly enhancing campaign relevance and maximizing ROI. In essence, Influencer Hero stands as an invaluable asset for brands aiming to navigate the intricate influencer marketing landscape with ease and efficacy.

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