Free Youtube Influencer Outreach Templates: Asking for a Video Email Templates

May 16, 2024
11 Min
Peter Nettesheim
| Author
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Free Youtube Influencer Outreach Templates: Asking for a Video Email Templates

In the dynamic world of YouTube influencer marketing, mastering the initial influencer outreach and negotiation stages can get you on the right track for potential success. But maintaining consistent and clear communication with influencers is essential for managing campaigns effectively and building strong relationships with them. 

Strategic follow-ups while waiting for influencers to upload their YouTube videos help keep them focused and engaged, ensuring campaigns stay on track and achieve their objectives.

Managing the Awaiting Post Stage

The Awaiting Post stage is a critical point in your YouTube influencer marketing campaign, where you've already supplied the influencer with the product, after effectively negotiating, and are now anticipating their content creation. During this phase, your primary focus is on:

  • Tracking the product’s shipping to ensure it reaches the influencer’s location as expected.
  • Staying in touch with the influencer to remind them of your posting requirements, such as any relevant discount codes or affiliate links.

This is also an opportunity to gather initial feedback on the product and provide the influencer with an open line for questions or concerns.

The 4 Stages Of Your Influencer Campaign

In order to understand how to structure your campaign we always refer to the 4 stages of your influencer campaign:

The 4 stages of an influencer marketing campaign

1. Influencer Outreach

This is the first step of your influencer campaign where you contact a new influencer for the first time. It is important to craft your outreach the right way to maximise your reply rate. You can read more about effective outreach strategies and access our influencer outreach templates  here.

2. Influencer Negotiation

Once an influencer replies you will typically move to the negotiation stage where there can be two outcomes. 1. The influencer agrees to your proposal or 2. The influencer asks for more money. To access the right negotiation strategies as well as templates for your Youtube influencer campaign read our full article on influencer negotiation templates.

3. Awaiting Post

Once you agree to the terms with the influencers you move into the awaiting post stage. This is a crucial moment where you should follow up with the influencer to make sure that they will post. 

In this article we will cover everything you need to know to optimise your communication in this stage of your influencer campaign.

4. Relationship Building

Once the influencer has completed the post you ideally want to build a long lasting relationship to continue to benefit from the partnership. You can read more about the right ways to build relationships and access the templates for this stage of your Youtube influencer campaign here.

Understanding the Awaiting Post Stage Workflow

Congratulations! If you’ve reached this stage of the collaboration, it means that you have successfully reached out to an influencer and got them to accept your offer through an efficient negotiation process. 

However, your work doesn’t end here. The awaiting post stage is crucial to concluding the collaboration and effectively collecting the influencer’s post. It’s essential to maintain communication throughout the whole process to keep the non-posting rate as low as possible.

The first thing to do during this phase is to send out the product to the influencer and make sure it arrives safely. You need to previously ask for the influencer's address details and then send them the product by creating an order on your store. Alternatively, some influencer marketing tools, like Influencer Hero, directly integrate with your CMS, such as Shopify, so you can dispatch products from your CRM, making this process much easier and streamlined. 

After dispatching the product, it’s also essential to share their custom affiliate link and discount code with the influencer, which can also be created within the same platform.

Below, you'll find customizable templates to assist you in managing your communications effectively during this stage of the collaboration:

Product Sent Template

Hi {{firstname}},

Thank you for providing your shipping details. The ENTER PRODUCT NAME is on its way and should be arriving in a few days!

You can use the following custom link and discount code to share with your subscribers in the video and in the description box:

Link: {{custom_link}}
Discount code: {{discount_code}}

Looking forward to your video! 



After the product has arrived, you'll receive the notification either on your e-commerce app or, if you are working with platforms like Influencer Hero, you'll know directly on the platform when it's time to follow up with the influencer. Sending this next email will improve faster posting and refresh the influencer's memory in terms of the affiliate and overall collaboration details:

Product Delivered Confirmation Template

Hi {{firstname}},

how are you doing? I saw that the package has been delivered :)  

Regarding the video, here are your custom link and discount code again for reference.

LINK: {{custom_link}}
Discount code: {{discount_code}}

Your custom link and discount code will be used to track the number of clicks and referrals. Based on this information, we offer different packages and brand ambassador programs.

Could you tell me on which date you are planning to upload?

That way I can check your account as I am super excited to see the video myself :)



Why Follow-Ups Are Critical

Influencers receive a variety of offers with different posting requirements, which can sometimes cause delays or misunderstandings. Follow-up emails are key to effectively managing influencer marketing campaigns on YouTube.

While waiting for an influencer's YouTube video to go live, it’s important to maintain clear communication and check in consistently. Follow-ups help ensure influencers stay on track with your campaign timeline. Additionally, they provide an opportunity to reinforce the terms of your agreement and offer any further assistance if needed.

Use these customizable templates to simplify your follow-up process:

1st Awaiting Post Follow-up 

Hi {{firstname}},

How are you? I hope you're having a great week!

I wanted to make a quick follow up on the ENTER PRODUCT NAME. Have you gotten to use it already? :) I hope you like it! We’re all so eager to hear your thoughts on it.

Looking forward to hearing from you!



2nd Awaiting Post Follow-up 

Hi {{firstname}},

How’s it going? It’s been a while since I heard from you.

I hope you’ve gotten to test the ENTER PRODUCT NAME. Could you give me an estimate on when you will be able to upload the video? 

Looking forward to hearing from you. :)



3rd Awaiting Post Follow-up 

Hi {{firstname}},

I hope everything is well. 

I just wanted to check if we're still on for the youtube video. I'm sure your schedule's pretty packed. If you could make a simple video using the
ENTER PRODUCT NAME that would be great. 

Here are your custom link and discount code again for your reference.

LINK: {{custom_link}}
Discount code: {{discount_code}}

Please let me know. Looking forward to hearing from you.



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Avoid manual overload by using the correct tools for follow-up processes

In influencer platforms like Influencer Hero, the follow-up process can be streamlined through the setup of automatic email flows. Users simply input the email body and subject, with the remainder of the task completed instantly. 

Furthermore, personalizing each email with the influencer's details is unnecessary, as the templates include shortcuts that automatically fill in this information.

Influencer Posts. What now?

Once the influencer has posted, you move on to the final step of your influencer collaboration, where you assess the performance of the influencer’s videos and overall result. 

This evaluation allows you to understand the success of your campaign and start building long- lasting relationships with the high potential influencers to maximise the impact of your influencer program. Access the right strategies and templates for campaign closing and relationship building here.  


Leveraging the right email templates for different stages of your YouTube influencer marketing campaign allows you to navigate the process smoothly and efficiently. Whether you're collaborating with low, medium, or high-performing influencers, tailored and thoughtful communication improves outcomes and fosters lasting partnerships.

The right communication will improve your posting rate, especially if you are working on a gifting campaign.

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